Misophonia and Creativity
We create art for the same reason that we dream.
People with misophonia are frequently creative and artistic. Perhaps the heightened sensory awareness leads to imaginative outlets. Perhaps sensory output helps soothe the discordant sensory input we experience.
Misophonia Artists
Painting by Michelle Del Valle
from 'Misophonia' [2021] short film by Daniel Smedley
Misophonia Poster by Lauri Johnston
From 'Misophonia Orchestra' [2022] a short animated film by Daniela Hybnerova
From 'Misophonia' [2022] short puppetry film by @pollysonic and Stringpullers Puppet Company.
'Dinner Prayer' [2019] Oil on canvas. by Joshua Nierodzinski
'Mouths' [2022] from a forthcoming misophonia comic book by Kyle Bravo
'St Pigeon of Hours: rustling papers' [2022] Digital Drawing by divine.space.doves
Misophonia Shirt by Tyler Maenle
'Bunker' [2022] Sculpture by Lauren Peteys
"Triggered" by Cory Bilicko
Ouroboros Necklace [2022] by Susan Vance
soQuiet SOUND/off Virtual Gallery
Participating Artists:
Lauri Johnston
Andrew Hugill
Jane Gregory
Alyssa Ray
Lauren Wenrich
Susan Vance
Chrissie Oppedisano
Kyle Bravo
Linda Wingerter
Joshua Nierodzinski
Amanda Hartley
CJ Gibson
Jennifer Hooley
Caroline Burdett
Sussie Anie
AK Kurtz
Cory Bilicko
Heidi Bennett
Samantha Zimbler
Mira Klein
Scout Johari
Lisa Kardel
Carma Jordan
Adeel Ahmad
The Museum of Portable Sound in the UK has soQuiet Misophonia Cards on Display [Video]
Edwards, Cris. Misophonia and Creativity : What is the Connection? [Medium, 2020]
A radio broadcast (Feb 23, 2023) entitled The world is built for people with perfect hearing - but 83% of people don't have it featured extensive discussions of aural diversity and interviews with Andrew Hugill and Cris Edwards.
The event is made possible through the generous support of The REAM Foundation and our gracious donors.
Articles Related to Misophonia and Creativity
Boden, Margaret. Creativity as a Neuroscientific Mystery [Neuroscience of creativity. MIT Press, 2013]
Burton, Neel. Hate Noise? You Might Be a Genius [Psychology Today, 2021]
Edwards, Cris. Misophonia and Creativity : What is the Connection? [Medium, 2020]
• with Hawkins, Michelle, MLIS A Survey on Creativity and Misophonia [2021]
Gere, D. R., Capps, S. C., Mitchell, D. W., & Grubbs, E. Sensory sensitivities of gifted children. [American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2009]
Gough, H. G. A creative personality scale for the Adjective Check List [Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1979]
Lambert, Philip A. The Order - Chaos Dynamic of Creativity [Creativity Research Journal, June 2018]
Liddicott, Sam. It’s You, Not Me! The Link Between Misophonia and Creativity [2017]
Siepsiak, Marta, et. al. Development and Psychometric Properties of MisoQuest—A New Self-Report Questionnaire for Misophonia [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Mar. 2020]
Various. A Consensus Definition of Misophonia: Using a Delphi Process to Reach Expert Agreement [April 2021]
Zabelina, Darya L., et. al. Creativity and sensory gating indexed by the P50: Selective versus leaky sensory gating in divergent thinkers and creative achievers [Neuropsychologia, 2015]
Want to have your artwork featured on this site?
Please contact us at hello@soquiet.org.