Misophonia Research

Participate in Misophonia Research!
The soQuiet Misophonia Research Pool is a centralized misophonia research participant registry.
soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grants
We offer research grants to graduate students who are undertaking research on misophonia, misokinesia, and related sensory disorders.
Other Ways to Participate in Misophonia Research
Duke Center for Misophonia & Emotion Regulation [CMER]
The Duke Center for Misophonia and Emotion Regulation (CMER) is actively conducting clinical research on misophonia, providing education to the public, and evaluating patients with treatment and management recommendations about misophonia.
Baylor College of Medicine
The Baylor College of Medicine often has studies on misophonia under the direction of Dr. Eric Storch. Click the button below for more information.
University of Sussex [UK]
University of Sussex Sensory Research lab seeks to promote a clear scientific understanding of misophonia in children and young people. Misophonia research is funded by the REAM Foundation and directed by Prof. Julia Simner and Prof. Jamie Ward.
mindSPACE LAB • University of California, Irvine
The mindSPACE Lab uses multiple methods to investigate the structure and function of visual, auditory, and multi-sensory cortex in normal, healthy adults and in patients with a variety of neurological disorders and damage.
The AuditoryLab at CMU
The Auditory Lab and Carnegie Mellon University studies auditory conditions and auditory perception under the direction of Dr. Laurie Heller.
Auditory Cognition and Development Lab at UNLV
Dr. Erin Hannon's Auditory Cognition and Development Lab at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, studies the development of human musicality, including sound processing.
Schiller Lab at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Icahn School of Medicine often undertakes research studies on misophonia and related disorders under the direction of Dr. Daniela Schiller.
TRANSCEND Research Group | Massachusetts General Hospital
TRANSCEND is a network of like-minded researchers and clinicians devoted to pooling and integrating brain and body knowledge and research to help people with autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders.
Published Studies on Misophonia
NOTE: Some studies are behind a paywall. We have linked to freely available sources for these studies whenever possible. Please check with your local library which might be able to access these publications for you at no charge.
Case studies are labelled. Case studies tend to cover a single person, or very small sample set, and this should be taken into consideration when reading them.
Psychology Papers
Go directly to the Misophonia Special Section of Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Understanding the misophonic experience: a mixed method study [Feb 2025] by Ozuer Y, Cima R, Kestens E and Van Diest [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
The prevalence of misophonia in a representative population-based survey in Germany [Jan 2025] by Elisa Pfeiffer, Marc Allroggen, & Cedric Sachser [Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology] soQuiet.org
Misophonia Is Associated with Heightened Emotion Evocation from Music [Dec 2024] by Van Hedger, S. C., & Van Hedger, K. [Current Psychology] soQuiet.org
The Sound Sensitivity Symptoms Questionnaire Version 2.0 (SSSQ2) as a Screening Tool for Assessment of Hyperacusis, Misophonia and Noise Sensitivity: Factor Analysis, Validity, Reliability, and Minimum Detectable Change [Dec 2024] by Hashir Aazh & Fatma Betul Kula [Brain Sciences] soQuiet.org
Sex-Specific Correlations Between Misophonia Symptoms and ADHD, OCD, and Autism-Related Traits in Adolescent Outpatients / Adölesan Ayaktan Hastalarda Mizofoni Belirtileri ile DEHB, OKB ve Otizm İlgili Örüntüler Arasındaki Cinsiyet-Spesifik Korelasyonlar [Dec 2024] by HERDİ, Oğuzhan; YILDIRIM, Fatma [Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi / Archives of Neuropsychiatry] soQuiet.org
I struggle with your fidgeting: A qualitative study of the personal and social impacts of misokinesia [Dec 2024] by Sumeet M. Jaswal , Drake Levere, & Todd C. Handy [PLoS ONE] soQuiet.org
Exacerbation of paranoia-like thoughts following exposure to common misophonia trigger sounds [Dec 2024] by Bagrowska, Paulina;Siepsiak, Marta;Nalberczak-Skóra, Maria;Gawęda, Łukasz [Schizophrenia Research] soQuiet.org
An Automated Online Measure for Misophonia: The Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adults [Dec 2024] by Simner, Julia, Rinaldi, Louisa, & Ward, Jamie [Assessment]soQuiet.org
Positive Attributable Visual Sources Attenuate the Impact of Trigger Sounds in Misophonia [November 2024] by Mahzouni, Ghazaleh;Welch, Moorea M.;Young, Michael;Reddy, Veda; Samermit, Patrawat, & Davidenko, Nicolas [Multisensory Research]
Psychometric Validation of the New Misophonia Screening List—Child and Youth and AMISOS-Y (Dutch Child- and Parent-Report Versions) for Assessing Misophonia in Youth [November 2024] by Rappoldt, Lotte R.;Kan, Kees J.;Dalmeijer, Lenrine;Rutten, Sterre A, et. al. [Child Psychiatry and Human Development]
How Can I Get Out of This?”: A Qualitative Study of the Phenomenology and Functional Impact of Misophonia in Youth and Families [October 2024] by Guzick, Andrew Giles;Rast, Catherine Elizabeth;Maddox, Brenna Burns;Rodriguez Barajas, Servando; et. al. [Psychopathology]
Prevalence of misophonia and its association with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder among medical students [October 2024] by Almadani, A., Alabdulkarim, I., Akresh, M., Alassaf, M., Alkathiri, M., Alkublan, K., Aldoghmani, R., Alghtani, Y., Alwaily, S. [Medicine]
Network analysis of misophonia symptoms using the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire [October 2024] by Yanyan Shan, Marta Siepsiak, Kibby McMahon, Rachel Guetta, Lisalynn Kelley, Tao Chen, M. Zachary Rosenthal [Journal of Affective Disorders]soQuiet.org
Emotion Dysregulation in Misophonia: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample [ October 2024] by Laura J. Dixon, Carey J. Sevier, Alexandra M. Freshley [ Journal of Psychiatric Research]
Quality of Life among Youth with Misophonia: The Role of Internalizing Symptoms and Pessimism [September 2024] by Kook, M., Rast, C.E., Cervin, M. et al. [Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment]soQuiet.org
Sex-Specific Correlations Between Misophonia Symptoms and ADHD, OCD, and Autism-Related Traits in Adolescent Outpatients [September 2024] by Oğuzhan Herdi and Fatma Yildirim [Noropsikiyatri Arsivi]
Clinical Considerations for Integrating Ethical Principles of Beneficence in the Development of Evidence-Based Interventions: The case of Pediatric Misophonia [September 2024] by Spencer, Samuel D.;Petersen, Julie M.;Schneider, Rebecca L.;Guzick, Andrew G.; and Joseph F McGuire [Research on Child & Adolescent Psychopathology]
Is misokinesia sensitivity explained by visual attentional orienting? ERP evidence from an emotional oddball task suggests no [July 2024] by Sumeet M. Jaswal & Todd C. Handy [PLoS ONE] soQuiet.org
Current Trends in the Treatment of Misophonia [June 2024] by Sevgi Köroğlu, Gülgün Durat [Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar] soQuiet.org
Factors Associated With Misophonia: A Systematic Review [May 2024] by Sevgi Koroglu & Gulgun Durat [Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría]
Prevalence, phenomenology, and impact of misophonia in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults [May 2024] by Dixon, L. J., Schadegg, M. J., Clark, H. L., Sevier, C. J., & Witcraft, S. M. [Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science]soQuiet.org
Using a standardized sound set to help characterize misophonia: The International Affective Digitized Sounds [May 2024] by Trumbull, J. ;Lanier, N.; McMahon, K.; Guetta, R. & Rosenthal, M. Z. [PLoS ONE]soQuiet.org
The effect of misophonia on cognitive and social judgments [May 2024] by Hansen HA, Leber AB, Saygin ZM [PLoS ONE]soQuiet.org
Poster: Social Competence Profiles of Adults with Varying Levels of Decreased Sound Tolerance [April 2024] by Ashleigh Wickie, Natalia Van Esch, Nichole Scheerer [Conference: SONA 2024]
Understanding the relationship between Misophonia and musical memory, emotion and categorization [April 2024] by Omolewa Babalola [Huron University College].
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Misophonia as a complex experience of hope and dread in self-with-other regulation [April 2024] by Dayna Sharp [Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context]soQuiet.org
An Automated Online Measure for Misophonia: The Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adults [February 2024] by Simner J, Rinaldi LJ, Ward J [Assessment]
Misophonia is related to stress but not directly with traumatic stress [February 2024] by RE Guetta, M Siepsiak, Y Shan, E Frazer-Abel, MZ Rosenthal [PLOS ONE]
The unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders for misophonia: a pilot trial exploring acceptability and efficacy [February 2024] by McMahon Kibby , Cassiello-Robbins Clair , Greenleaf Anna , Guetta Rachel , Frazer-Abel Emily , Kelley Lisalynn , Rosenthal M. Zachary [Frontiers in Psychology]
Alterations in attentional processing in youth with misophonia: A phenotypical cross-comparison with anxiety patients [February 2024] by Nicholas Murphy, Marijn Lijffijt, Andrew G. Guzick, Matti Cervin, Jane Clinger, Eleanor E.A. Smith, Isabel Draper, Catherine E. Rast, Wayne K. Goodman, Sophie Schneider, Eric A. Storch [Journal of Affective Disorders]
Misophonia: A self-report-based scale development study [February 2024] by Sevgi Koroglu, Gulgun Durat [Revista Científica de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Neurológica]soQsoQ
Psychometric properties of a self-perception questionnaire for adults with suspected misophonia [Preprint: January 2024] by Benjamín Castillo Fierro, Maria Teresa Muñoz Quezada, Boris Lucero Mondaca [Publication Info Forthcoming] soQuiet.org.
Designing an Experiential Avoidance Model with Misophonia
Disorder Through the Mediating Role of Cognitive Fusion and
Emotion Dysregulation in University Students [December 2023] by AmirMehdi Kadivarian, Bahram Peymannia,& soodabeh Bassak Nejad [Psychological Achievements / دستآوردهای روانشناختی]Neurological Underpinnings of Psychological Factors Distinguishing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder From Misophonia [December 2023] by Simona Iskander, Usha Barahmand, Monica Soni, Ravinder Kaur, and Dylan Arnero [Psychiatric Annals]soQuiet.org
The Impact of Mental Health Symptoms in Children With Tinnitus and Misophonia: A Multi-disciplinary Approach [November 2023] by Kenny H. Chan, Amanda Baker, Deborah Gilbert, Suhong Tong, Julie Rinaldi, Scott Cypers, Austin Zhu, and Alyssa Schoenborn [Clinical Pediatrics]soQuiet.org
Targeting beliefs and behaviours in misophonia: a case series from a UK specialist psychology service [October 2023] by Jane Gregory, Tom Graham, and Brett Hayes [Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy]sQuietsoQuiet..org
Mimicry in misophonia: A large-scale survey of prevalence and relationship with trigger sounds [October 2023] by Paris Arizona Ash, Ester Benzaquén, Phillip Gander, Joel Isaac Berger, and Sukhbinder Kumar [Journal of Clinical Psychology]soQuiet.org
Misophonia, self‐harm and suicidal ideation [October 2023] by Julia Simner and Louisa J. Rinaldi [PCN Reports] [PDF] soQuiet.org
A symptom network model of misophonia: From heightened sensory sensitivity to clinical comorbidity [October 2023] by Nora Andermane, Mathilde Bauer, Julia Simner, & Jamie Ward [Journal of Clinical Psychology]
Measuring misophonia in youth: A psychometric evaluation of child
and parent measures [October 2023] by Cervin, M., Guzick, A. G., Clinger, J., Smith, E. E., Draper, I. A., Goodman, W. K., Lijffijt, M., Murphy, N., Rast, C., Schneider, S, & Storch, E. A. [Journal of Affective Disorders] soQuit.org
Misophonia in Children and Adolescents: Age Differences, Risk Factors, Psychiatric and Psychological Correlates. A Pilot Study With Mothers’ Involvement [September 2023] by Marta Siepsiak, Anna Turek, Magdalena Michałowska, and Małgorzata Gambin [Child Psychiatry & Human Development]soQuiet.org
A neuropsychological study of misophonia [August 2023] by Amitai Abramovitch, Tanya A. Herrera, and Joseph L. Etherton [Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry]soQuiet.org
Factors associated with internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a clinical sample of youth with misophonia [August 2023] by Gabrielle M. Armstrong, Rebecca L. Greenberg, Orri Smárason (Cand Psych), Renee M. Frederick, Andrew G. Guzick, Sophie C. Schneider, Samuel D. Spencer, Matti Cervin, and Eric A. Storch [Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders]soQuiet.org
Psychometric evaluation and misophonic experience in a Portuguese-speaking sample [August 2023] by Chloe Hayes, Jane Gregory, Rahima Aziz, Joaquim Cerejeira, Marina Cruz, José Augusto Simões, and Silia Vitoratou [psyarxiv]soQu
The Impact of Trigger Sounds on Emotional Response: A Study of Misophonia in Young Adults [July 2023] by Edgar Gloucester and Regan Lear [Journal of Psychological Research and Applications] soQu
Mental Health Difficulties in Children who Develop Misophonia: An Examination of ADHD, Depression & Anxiety [July 2023] by Rinaldi, L. J., & Simner, J. [Child Psychiatry & Human Development] soQuiet.org
[Case Study] Session-by-session change in misophonia: a descriptive case study using intensive CBT [July 2023] by Jane Gregory and Chloe Foster [the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist] soQuiet.org
Mindfulness and cognitive emotion regulation in pediatric misophonia [July 2023] by Samuel D. Spencer, Andrew G. Guzick, Matti Cervin, and Eric A. Storch [Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science] soQuiet.org
The New York Misophonia Scale (NYMS): A New Instrument to Identify Misophonia in the General Population [July 2023] by Usha Barahmand, Maria E. Stalias-Mantzikos, Ying Xiang, and Esther Rotlevi [Journal of Psychiatric Practice] soQuiet.org
A systematic review of treatments for misophonia [July 2023] by Seth A. Mattson, Johann D'Souza, Katharine D. Wojcik, Andrew G. Guzick, Wayne K. Goodman, Eric A. Storch [Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry]
A comparison of clinical features and executive functions between patients with obsessive compulsive disorder with and without misophonia [May 2023] by Azra Gokovali Begenen, Efruz Pirdogan Aydin, Hasan Demirci, Omer Akil Ozer [J Psychiatr Neurol Sci] soQuiet.org
Misophonia and its Relationship with Other Psychiatric Disorders [April 2023] by Mutlu, K., Tamam, L., Namli, Z., Demirkol, M. E., & KARAYTUĞ, M. O. [Medical Records] soQuiet.org
Treatment of Misophonia [April 2023] byM. Zachary Rosenthal PhD, Yanyan Shan MA, Jacqueline Trumbull MA [Advances in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health] soQuiet.org
A phenomenological cartography of misophonia and other forms of sound intolerance [March 2023 ] by Nora Andermane, Matilde Bauer, Ediz Sohoglu, Julia Simner, and Jamie Ward [iScience] soQuiet.org
The central role of symptom severity and associated characteristics for functional impairment in misophonia [March 2023] by Anne Möllmann, Nina Heinrichs, Lisa Illies, Nadine Potthast, and Hanna Kley [Frontiers in Psychiatry] soQuiet.org
Misophonia in the UK: Prevalence and norms from the S-Five in a UK representative sample [March 2023] by Silia Vitoratou, Chloe Hayes, Nora Uglik-Marucha, Oliver Pearson, Tom Graham, and Jane Gregory [PlosOne] soQuiet.org
Clinical characteristics, impairment, and psychiatric morbidity in 102 youth with misophonia [March 2023] by Andrew G. Guzick, Matti Cervin, Eleanor E.A. Smith, Jane Clinger, Isabel Draper, Wayne K. Goodman, Marijn Lijffijt, Nicholas Murphy, Adam B. Lewin, Sophie C. Schneider, and Eric A. Storch [Journal of Affective Disorders]
Does context matter in misophonia? A multi-method experimental investigation [January 2023] by Marta Siepsiak, Scott R. Vrana, Andrzej Rynkiewicz, M. Zachary Rosenthal, and Wojciech Łukasz Dragan [Frontiers in Neuroscience]soQuiet
Public awareness of Misophonia in U.S. adults: a Population-based study [January 2023] by Laura. J. Dixon, Mary. J. Schadegg, Heather. L. Clark, and Megan. M. Perry [Current Psychology] soQuiet.org
Disgust and Anxiety Sensitivity as Vulnerability Factors in Misophonia. [2023] by Barahmand, U., Mantzikos, M. S., Xiang, Y., Shamsina, N., & Rotlevi, E. [Misophonia. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences] soQuiet.org
A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia [December 2022] by Nico Remmert, Antonia Jebens, Rebecca Gruzman, Jane Gregory, and Silia Vitoratou [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Do they make these sounds to hurt me? The mediating role of emotion regulation, anxiety and hostile attributions in the relationship between misophonia and paranoia-like thoughts [November 2022] by Bagrowska, Paulina;Pionke-Ubych, Renata;Gawęda, Łukasz [Schizophrenia Research]
Perceptions of various treatment approaches for adults and children with misophonia [November 2022] by Eleanor E.A.Smith, Andrew G. Guzicka, Isabel A. Draper, Jane Clinger, Sophie C. Schneider, Wayne K. Goodman, Jennifer J. Brout, Marjin Lijffijt, Eric A. Storch [Journal of Affective Disorders]
Prevalence and clinical correlates of misophonia symptoms in the general population of Germany [November 2022] by Ewgeni Jakubovski, Astrid Müller, Hanna Kley, Martina de Zwaan, and Kirsten Müller-Vahl [Frontiers in Psychiatry]soQuiet.org
Phenotyping misophonia: Psychiatric disorders and medical health correlates [October 2022] M. Zachary Rosenthal, Kibby McMahon, Anna S. Greenleaf, Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Rachel Guetta, Jacqueline Trumbull, Deepika Anand, Emily S. Frazer-Abel, and Lisalynn Kelley [Frontiers in Psychology]soQuiet.org
On the lack of self-concept and social representation of misophonia and their modulation by an intervention [August 2022] by Antonia Ferrer-Torres and Lydia Giménez-Llort [ResearchSquare preprint] soQuiet.org
Opening a window into the riddle of misophonia, sensory over-responsiveness, and pain [August 2022] by Adi Efraim Kaufman, Irit Weissman-Fogel, M. Zachary Rosenthal, Ricky Kaplan Neeman, and Tami Bar-Shalita [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
Development and Evaluation of a Sound-Swapped Video Database for Misophonia [July 2022] Patrawat Samermit, Michael Young, Allison K. Allen, Hannah Trillo, Sandhya Shankar, Abigail Klein, Chris Kay, Ghazaleh Mahzouni, Veda Reddy, Veronica Hamilton, and Nicolas Davidenko [Frontiers] soQuiet.org
A longitudinal investigation of quality of life and negative emotions in misophonia [July 2022] by Bridget Dibb and Sarah E. Golding [Frontiers in Neuroscience]soQuiet.org
Audiological and Other Factors Predicting the Presence of Misophonia Symptoms Among a Clinical Population Seeking Help for Tinnitus and/or Hyperacusis [July 2022] by Hashir Aazh, Mercede Erfanian, Ali A. Danesh, and Brian C. J. Moore [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
Investigation of a Misophonia and Fluid Intelligence Relationship:
Sound Spectrum Variation Impact on Fluid Intelligence Task
Responses [Summer 2022] Master’s Thesis by Leslie Watson.Emotion processes predicting outbursts and impact in misophonia [July 2022] by Qiaochu Wang, Silia Vitoratou, Uglik-Marucha, Eleonora, Jane Gregory [Frontiers] soQuiet.org
Autistic traits, emotion regulation, and sensory sensitivities in children and adults with Misophonia [July 2022] by L J Rinaldi, J Simner, S Koursarou, J Ward [Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders] s
The Relationship Between Self-Reported Misophonia Symptoms and Auditory Aversive Generalization Leaning: A Preliminary Report [June 2022] by Richard T. Ward, Faith E. Gilbert, Jourdan Pouliot, Payton Chiasson, Skylar McIlvanie, Caitlin Traiser, Kierstin Riels, Ryan Mears, and Andreas Keil [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.orgoQuiet.org
The Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire Revised (BMQ-R): Development and validation of a symptom-oriented diagnostical instrument for the measurement of misophonia [June 2022] by Nico Remmert, Katharina Maria Beate Schmidt, Patrick Mussel, Minne Luise Hagel, Michael Eid [PLoS One]. soQuiet.org
Disrupted computations of social control in individuals with obsessive-compulsive and misophonia symptoms [June 2022] by Sarah M Banker, Soojung Na, Jacqueline Beltrán, Harold W Koenigsberg, Jennifer H Foss-Feig, Xiaosi Gu, and Daniela Schiller [iScience]
Synopsis and Qualitative Evaluation of a Treatment Protocol to Guide Systemic Group-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Misophonia [June 2022] by Inge Jager, Nienke Vulink, Arnoud van Loon, Marthe van der Pol, Arjan Schröder, Simone Slaghekke and Damiaan Denys [Frontiers in Psychiatry]
Psychiatric and audiologic features of misophonia: Use of a clinical control group with auditory over-responsivity [May 2022] by M Siepsiak, M Z Rosenthal, D Raj-Koziak, W Dragan [Journal of Psychosomatic Research] soQuiet.org
Poorer Well-Being in Children With Misophonia: Evidence From the Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adolescents [April 2022] by Louisa J. Rinaldi, Rebecca Smees, Jamie Ward, and Julia Simner [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Misophonia in the UK: norms of the selective sound sensitivity five factor model (S-Five) for misophonia and prevalence of the disorder using a large sample representative of the UK population [April 2022] by Silia Vitoratou, Chloe Hayes, Uglik-Marucha, Eleonora, Oliver Pearson, Tom Graham, Jane Gregory [PsyArXiv] soQuiet.org
Evidence of cross-cultural consistency in a multidimensional model for the severity of misophonia and trigger burden: psychometric conclusions emerging from the Mandarin version of the Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five) [April 2022] by Silia Vitoratou, Jingxin Wang, Chloe Hayes, Qiaochu Wang, Stefanatou Pentagiotissa, Jane Gregory [PsyArXiv] soQuiet.org
Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of Misophonia Using Cluster-Based Phenotyping [March 2022] by Jordan E. Norris, Suzanne H. Kimball, Danna C. Nemri, and Lauren E. Ethridge [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
A Consensus Definition of Misophonia: A Delphi Study [March 2022] by Susan Swedo, David M. Baguley, Damiaan Denys, Laura J. Dixon, Mercede Erfanian, Alessandra Fioretti, Pawel J. Jastreboff, Sukhbinder Kumar, M. Zachary Rosenthal, Romke Rouw, Daniela Schiller, Julia Simner, Eric A. Storch, Steven Taylor, Kathy R. Vander Werff, and Sylvina M. Raver [Frontiers in Neuroscience] s foQuiet.org
Attention, flexibility, and imagery in misophonia: Does attention exacerbate everyday disliking of sound? [March 2022] by J. Simner, S. Koursarou, L.J. Rinaldi & Jamie Ward [Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology] soQuiet.org
Examining emotional functioning in misophonia: The role of affective instability and difficulties with emotion regulation [February 2022] by Rachel E Guetta, Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Jacqueline Trumbull, Deepika Anand, M Zachary Rosenthal [PLoS One]
A Factor Structure within Misophonia:The Sussex Misophonia Scale for researchers and clinicians [December, 2021] by Louisa J. Rinaldi, Jamie Ward, & Julia Simner [PsyArXiv]
Disgust and Emotion Dysregulation in Misophonia: a Case for Mental Contamination? [November 2021] by Usha Barahmand, Maria E. Stalias-Mantzikos, Esther Rotlevi, Ying Xiang [International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction] soQuiet.org
Development and psychometric exploration of a semi-structured clinical interview for Misophonia [December 2021] by Rachel E.Guetta, Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Deepika Ananda, and M. Zachary Rosenthal [Personality and Individual Differences] soQuiet.org
Item Response Theory Investigation of Misophonia Auditory Triggers [October 2021] by Silia Vitoratou, Nora Uglik-Marucha, Chloe Hayes, Mercede Erfanian, Oliver Pearson, and Jane Gregory [Audiology Research] soQuiet.org
Listening to People with Misophonia: Exploring the MultipleDimensions of Sound Intolerance Using a New PsychometricTool, the S-Five, in a Large Sample of Individuals Identifying with the Condition [October 2021] by Silia Vitoratou, Nora Uglik-Marucha, Chloe Hayes, and Jane Gregory [Psych] soQuiet.org
EMDR therapy for misophonia: a pilot study of case series [October 2021] by Inge Jager, Nienke Vulink, Carlijn de Roos, and Damiaan Denys [European Journal of Psychotraumatology] soQuiet.org
Development and Initial Validation of the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire [September 2021] by M. Zachary Rosenthal, Deepika Anand, Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Zachary J. Williams, Rachel E. Guetta, Jacqueline Trumbull, and Lisalynn D. Kelley [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
The Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire (BMQ): Development and validation of a symptom-oriented diagnostical instrument for the measurement of misophonia [August 2021] by Nico Remmert, Katharina Maria Beate Schmidt, Patrick Mussel, Minne Luise Hagel,
Michael Eid [PLOSone] soQuiet.orgWhat sound sources trigger misophonia? Not just chewing and breathing [June 2021] by Heather Hansen, Andrew B. Leber, and Zeynep M Saygin [Journal of Clinical Psychology] soQuiet.org
Sounds of Silence in Times of COVID-19: Distress and Loss of Cardiac Coherence in People With Misophonia Caused by Real, Imagined or Evoked Triggering Sounds [June 2021] by Antonia Ferrer-Torres and Lydia Giménez-Llort [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Confinement and the Hatred of Sound in Times of COVID-19: A Molotov Cocktail for People With Misophonia [May 2021] by Antonia Ferrer-Torres and Lydia Giménez-Llort [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Misophonic symptoms in non-psychotic psychiatric outpatients and its association with trait psychological variables [April 2021] by Burçin Çolak, Berker Duman, Oğuzhan Herdi, Rıfat Serav İlhan, Direnç Sakarya [Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders]soQuiet.org
Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia in youth: Methods for a clinical trial and four pilot cases [April 2021] by Adam B. Lewin, Sarah Dickinson, Kelly Kudryka, Ashley R. Karlovich, Sherelle L. Harmon, Dominique A. Phillips, Niza A. Tonarely, Rinatte Gruen, Brent Small, and Jill Ehrenreich-May [Journal of Affective Disorders]
Assessment and Intervention for Individuals With Misophonia [February 2021] by Andrew D. Wiese, Katharine D. Wojcik, and Eric A. Storch [Journal of Health Service Psychology]
A Preliminary Investigation of the Association Between Misophonia and Symptoms of Psychopathology and Personality Disorders [January 2021] by Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Deepika Anand, Kibby McMahon, Jennifer Brout, Lisalynn Kelley, and M. Zachary Rosenthal [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
[Case Study] The Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Anger in Female Students with Misophonia: A Single-Case Study [January 2021] by Khadijeh Roushani, PhD; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand, PhD [Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences]
Cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia: A randomized clinical trial [December 2020] by Inge J. Jager, Nienke C. C. Vulink, Isidoor O. Bergfeld, Arnoud J. J. M. van Loon, and Damiaan A. J. P. Denys [Depression and Anxiety] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: An Evidence-Based Case Report [December 2020] by C. S. Vanaja and Miriam Soni Abigail [American Journal of Audiology]
soQuiet.orgHow everyday sounds can trigger strong emotions: ASMR, misophonia and the feeling of wellbeing [November, 2020] by Paul D. McGeoch, and Romke Rouw [BioEssays]
Context Influences How Individuals with Misophonia Respond to Sounds, [September, 2020] by M. Edelstein, B. Monk, V.S. Ramachandran, R. Rouw [bioRxiv] soQuiet.org
The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Within the Relationship Between Neuroticism and Misophonia: A Preliminary Investigation, [August, 2020], by Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Deepika Anand, Kibby McMahon, Rachel Guetta, Jacqueline Trumbull, Lisalynn Kelley, and M. Zachary Rosenthal [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Prevalence of Misophonia and Correlates of Its Symptoms among Inpatients with Depression, [July, 2020] by Marta Siepsiak, A. Sobczak, Bartosz Bohaterewicz, Ł. Cichocki, W. Dragan soQuiet.org
Misophonia: Phenomenology, comorbidity and demographics in a large sample, [April 2020] by Inge Jager, Pelle deKoning, Tim Bost, Damiaan Denys, and Nienke Vulink [Plos One] soQuiet.org
Development and Psychometric Properties of MisoQuest—A New Self-Report Questionnaire for Misophonia, [March 2020] by Marta Siepsiak, Andrzej Sliwerski, and Wojciech Łukasz Dragan [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health] soQuiet.org
Misophonia, Maladaptive Schemas and Personality Disorders: A Report of Three Cases [March 2020] by Eleonora Natalini, Giancarlo Dimaggio, Theodoros Varakliotis, and Alessandra Fioretti. soQuiet.o
Severity of misophonia symptoms is associated with worse cognitive control when exposed to misophonia trigger sounds, [Dec. 2019] by Emily C. Daniels, Andrew Rodriguez, & Darya L. Zabelina [PsyArXiv] soQuiet.org
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Alleviating The Distress Caused By Tinnitus, Hyperacusis And Misophonia: Current Perspectives, [Oct. 2019] by Hashir Aazh, Michael Landgrebe, Ali A Danesh, and Brian CJ Moore [Psychology Research and Behavior Management]
[Case Study] Suicidal misophonia: a case report [Jan. 2019] by Jehad Alekri & Feras Al Saif [Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology] soQuiet.org
Misophonia and comorbid psychiatric symptoms: a preliminary study of clinical findings [October 2019] by Erfanian, M., Kartsonaki, C., & Keshavarz, A. [Nordic Journal of Psychiatry]soQuiet.org
Misophonia and Potential Underlying Mechanisms: A Perspective, [June 2018] by Palumbo, D. B., Alsalman, O., De Ridder, D., et al. [Frontiers in Psychology] soQuiet.org
Effects of background chewing sounds on learning: The role of misophonia sensitivity [January 2018] by Amanda Seaborne and Logan Fiorella [Applied Cognitive Psychology]
A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia [May 2017] by Romke Rouw, and Mercede Erfanian [Journal of Clinical Psychology] soQuiet.org
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Effective in Misophonia: An open trial [April 2017] by Schröder, A. E., Vulink, N. C., van Loon, A. J., & Denys, D. A. [Journal of Affective Disorders] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: current perspectives [August 2015] by Cavanna AE, & Seri S [Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment]
[Case Study] Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for 2 Youths With Misophonia [May 2015] by Joseph F. McGuire, MA; Monica S. Wu, MA; and Eric A. Storch, PhD [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry]
Misophonia: Incidence, Phenomenology, and Clinical Correlates in an Undergraduate Student Sample [April 2014] by Monica S. Wu, Adam B. Lewin, Tanya K. Murphy, and Eric A. Storch [Journal of Clinical Psychology] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: physiological investigations and case descriptions [June 2013] by Miren Edelstein, David Brang, Romke Rouw, and Vilayanur S. Ramachandran [Frontiers in Human Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: Diagnostic Criteria for a New Psychiatric Disorder. [Jan. 2013] by Schröder A, Vulink N, Denys D; [Plos One] soQuiet.org
Audiology Papers
Toward cognitive models of misophonia [March 2025] by Marie-Anick Savard, Emily B.J. Coffey [Hearing Research] soQuiet.org
Sensory processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights into misophonia, and hyperacusis in a pediatric population [Feb 2025] by Manasi Sadanand Katikar, Anuprarthana Devi, & Prashanth Prabhu [International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology] soQuiet.org
Investigating Neurophysiological, Perceptual, and Cognitive Mechanisms in Misophonia [Feb 2025] by Patro, C.; Wasko, E.; Prabhu, P.; Srinivasan, N.K. [Biology] soQuiet.org
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the English MisoQuest and its relationship with audiological and psychological factors [Jan 2025] by Kula, F. B., Cropley, M., & Aazh, H. [International Journal of Audiology] soQuiet.org
Loudness tolerance level among individuals with misophonia: A psychoacoustic assessment [Oct-Dec 2024] by Aryal, Sajana; Prabhu, Prashanth [Hearing Balance and Communication] Funded by a soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grant. soQuiet.org
Audiological Characteristics of a Sample of Adults With Misophonia [December 2024] by Karen Muñoz, Mercedes G. Woolley, Doris Velasquez, Diana Ortiz, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, Julie M. Petersen, and Michael P. Twohig [American Journal of Audiology] soQuiet.org
When Children Can’t Stand the Sounds of School [July 2024] by Karen Lincoln Wilber [The ASHA LeaderLive]soQuiet.org
A Preliminary Analysis of the Clinical Effectiveness of Audiologist-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Delivered via Video Calls for Rehabilitation of Misophonia, Hyperacusis, and Tinnitus [June 2024] by Aazh, H., Najjari, A. & Moore, B. [American Journal of Audiology]
Auditory Efferent Pathway Functioning in Individuals with Misophonia [March 2024] by Sajana Aryal and Prashanth Prabhu [Auditory and Vestibular Research]
Do Individuals with Misophonia Experience Challenges with Their Auditory Binaural Interaction and Integration Skills? [2024] by HV Madappally, KV Nisha, P Prabhu. [Auditory and Vestibular Research]
Triggering Misophonia: The Importance of Spectral Information, Temporal Information, and Action Identification [January 2024] by Savvas Kazazis, Iza Korsmit & Stephen McAdam [Auditory Perception & Cognition] soQuiet.org
Auditory cortical functioning in individuals with misophonia: an electrophysiological investigation [November 2023] by Sajana Aryal and Prashanth Prabhu [European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology] sQ
Estimation of Prevalence of Misophonia Among High School Students in India [November 2023] by Palaniandi Rajasekaran Sujeeth, Rachana Hanji, Kritika Nayyar, and Prashanth Prabhu [Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery]
Psychometric Evaluation of the Misophonia Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) Using a Clinical Population of Patients Seeking Help for Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and/or Misophonia [October 2023] by Hashir Aazh, Brian C J Moore, Tricia Scaglione, Nico Remmert [Journal of the American Academy of Audiology] soQuiet.org
Normal linear and non-linear cochlear mechanisms and efferent system functioning in individuals with misophonia [October 2023] by Suraj, U., Nisha, K.V. & Prabhu, P. [Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol] soQuiet.org
Misophonia and Hearing Comorbidities in a Collegiate Population [October 2023] by Brennan, Caroline R. AuD; Lindberg, Ragnar R. BS; Kim, Gibbeum MS; Castro, Ariana A. MS; Khan, Rafay A. PhD; Berenbaum, Howard PhD; Husain, Fatima T. PhD [Ear & Hearing] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: A Need for audiologic diagnostic guidelines [PDF] [July 2023] by Julia Campbell [Journal of the American Academy of Audiology]
Auditory brainstem functioning in individuals with misophonia [May 2023] by Sajana Aryal and Prashanth Prabhu [Journal of Otology] Funded by a soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grant.soQuiet.org
Awareness and perspectives of audiologists on assessment and management of misophonia in India [February 2023] by Sajana Aryal, Prashanth Prabhu [Journal of Otology]soQuiet.org
Understanding misophonia from an audiological perspective: a systematic review [December 2022] by Sajana Aryal and Prashanth Prabhu P [European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology]soQuiet.org
Sound Tolerance Conditions (Hyperacusis, Misophonia, Noise Sensitivity, and Phonophobia): Definitions and Clinical Management [July 2022] by James A. Henry, Sarah M. Theodoroff, Catherine Edmonds, Idalisse Martinez, Paula J. Myers, Tara L. Zaugg & Marie-Christine Goodworth [American Journal of Audiology]
The proposed criteria for high perceived misophonia in young healthy adults and the association between Misophonia symptoms and noise sensitivity. [June 2022] by Katarina Paunovic and Sanja Milenkovic [Noise and Health] soQuiet.org
Decreased sound tolerance in autism: Understanding and distinguishing between hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia [May 2022] by Zachary J Williams [ENT & Audiology News]
Item Response Theory Investigation of Misophonia Auditory Triggers [October 2021] by Silia Vitoratou, Nora Uglik-Marucha, Chloe Hayes, Mercede Erfanian, Oliver Pearson, and Jane Gregory [Audiology Research] soQuiet.org
A psychoacoustic test for misophonia assessment [May 2021] by Falco Enzler, Céline Loriot, Philippe Fournier, and Arnaud J. Noreña [Scientific Reports] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: A Neurologic, Psychologic, and Audiologic Complex [Mar. 2020] by Ali Danesh and Hashir Aazh [The Hearing Journal] soQuiet.org
Evaluation of selective attention in patients with misophonia, [Feb. 2018] by Fúlvia Eduarda da Silva and Tanit Sanchez [Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology]soQuiet.org
Familial misophonia or Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome: Evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance, [July 2017] by Tanit Ganz Sanchez and Fúlvia Eduarda da Silva [Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology]
Components of decreased sound tolerance : hyperacusis, misophonia, phonophobia. [2001] by MM Jastreboff, PJ Jastreboff [ITHS News Lett.]soQuiet.org
Neuroscience Papers
Misophonia in Tic Disorders and Their Neuropsychiatric Associations [Feb 2025] by Arjun Balachandar, Talyta Cortez Grippe, Wei Kang Lim, Irene A. Malaty, Anthony E. Lang, Christos Ganos [Movement Disorders Clinical Practice] soQuiet. org
[Case Study] Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for Misophonia: A Single-Case Study [July 2024] by Natalini E, Fioretti A, Eibenstein R, Eibenstein A. [Brain Sciences] soQuiet. org
An experimental examination of neurostimulation and cognitive restructuring as potential components for Misophonia interventions [April 2024] by Andrada D. Neacsiu, Lysianne Beynel, Nimesha Gerlus, Kevin S. LaBar, Noreen Bukhari-Parlakturk, M. Zachary Rosenthal [Journal of Affective Disorders] soQuiet. org
A social cognition perspective on misophonia [October 2023] by Joel I. Berger, Phillip E. Gander, and Sukhbinder Kumar [PsyArXiv] [PDF]
Misophonia reactions in the general population are correlated with strong emotional reactions to other everyday sensory-emotional experiences [October 2023] by Solena D. Mednicoff, Sivan Barashy, David J. Vollweiler, Stephen D. Benning, Joel S. Snyder, and Erin E. Hannon [Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas][PDF] soQuiet. org
The neurophysiological approach to misophonia: Theory and treatment [March 2023] by Pawell Jastreboff and Margaret M. Jastreboff [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
A genome-wide association study of a rage-related misophonia symptom and the genetic link with audiological traits, psychiatric disorders, and personality [January 2023] by Dirk J. A. Smit, Melissa Bakker, Abdel Abdellaoui, Alexander E. Hoetink, Nienke Vulink, and Damiaan Denys [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
Auditory affective processing, musicality, and the development of misophonic reactions [September 2022] Solena D. Mednicoff, Sivan Barashy, Destiny Gonzales, Stephen D. Benning, Joel S. Snyder, and Erin E. Hannon [Frontiers in Neuroscience]
Preliminary validation of the Norwegian version of misophonia questionnaire [August 2022] by Larsen, E. A., Hovland, T., Nielsen, G. E., & Larsen, L. [International Journal of Audiology]
Misophonia: Analysis of the neuroanatomic patterns at the basis of psychiatric symptoms and changes of the orthosympathetic/ parasympathetic balance [August 2022] by Grossini E, Stecco A, Gramaglia C, De Zanet D, Cantello R, Gori B, Negroni D, Azzolina D, Ferrante D, Feggi A, Carriero A, Zeppegno P. [Frontiers in Neuroscience]
Neural evidence for non-orofacial triggers in mild misophonia [August 2022] Heather A. Hansen, Patricia Stefancin, Andrew B. Leber, and Zeynep M. Saygin [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
The neurobiology of misophonia and implications for novel, neuroscience-driven interventions [July 2022] by Andrada D Neacsiu, Victoria Szymkiewicz, Jeffrey T Galla, Brenden Li, Yashaswini Kulkarni, and Cade W Spector [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.orgQuiet.org
The Motor Basis for Misophonia [May 2021] by Sukhbinder Kumar, Pradeep Dheerendra, Mercede Erfanian, Ester Benzaquén, William Sedley, Phillip E. Gander, Meher Lad, Doris E. Bamiou and Timothy D. Griffiths [Journal of Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
The Effect of Misophonia on the Severity of Depression and Anxiety in Multiple Sclerosis [2022] by Safiye Gül Kenar, Hatice Yüksel, Nuriye Kayalı Şendur, Semra Mungan [Turkish Journal of Neurology]
Neural Basis of Response Bias on the Stop Signal Task in Misophonia, [Oct. 2019] by Nadine Eijsker, Arjan Schröder, Dirk J. A. Smit, Guido van Wingen,and Damiaan Denys
Misophonia is associated with altered brain activity in the auditory cortex and salience network. [May 2019] by Schröder, A., van Wingen, G., Eijsker, N., San Giorgi, R., et al. [Scientific Reports] soQuiet.org
The Brain Basis for Misophonia, [Feb. 2017] by Sukhbinder Kumar, Olana Tansley-Hancock, William Sedley, Phillip E. Gander, Doris-Eva Bamiou, Timothy D. Griffiths, et. al. [Current Biology]
Decreased sound tolerance: hyperacusis, misophonia, diplacousis, and polyacousis [2015] by Pawel J. Jastreboff, Margaret M. Jastreboff [Handbook of Clinical Neurology]soQuiet.org
Pharmacological Studies
Misophonia: A Scientific Review on Etiology, Pathophysiology, and
Therapeutic Approaches [January 2025] by Yashitha M. P. , Harshitha Yeshwanth Deshbhandari [International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences] soQuiet.org[Case Study] Steroids for the Treatment of Misophonia and Misokinesia [January 2024] by Jadon Webb and Afton Williamson [Case Reports in Psychiatry] soQuiet.org
MDMA for the treatment of misophonia, a proposal [November 2022] by Jadon Webb and Shannon Keane [Frontiers in Psychology]
NOTE: This paper is a proposal, and does not reflect any actual study of the use of MDMA in treating misophonia. This paper does not condone self-medicating nor recreational use of MDMA for treating misophonia.
[Case Study] β-Blockers for the Treatment of Misophonia and Misokinesia [January 2022] by Jadon Webb [Clinical Neuropharmacology] soQuiet.org
NOTE: This is a single case study—it’s about treating one person. Larger, more robust, research is needed on this topic.
Other Papers Related to Misophonia
The Neurophysiology of Tingles: A Systematic Review of
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response [December 2024] by Isabel Anna De Castro [Masters Thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark] soQuiet.orgA Retrospective Study Distinguishing between Hyperacusis and Misophonia in children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) [Nov 2024] by Ahmmed, Ansar; Vijayakumar, Sabarinath [International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology] soQuiet.org
The impact of disgusting sounds on pupil diameter of misophonic and non-misophonic listeners [Oct 2024] by Urszula Oszczapinska, Sungjoon Park, Yuqi Qiu, et al. [ESS Open Archive] soQuiet.org
Funded by a soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grant.soQuiet.orgAssessing Misophonia in Young Adults: The Prevalence and Psychometric Validation of the MisoQuest Questionnaire [Sept 2024] by Lourival de Almeida Silva, Matias Noll, Gabriel Cunha Siqueira and Alana Karolyne N. Barbosa [Healthcare] soQuiet.org
Analyzing Sensory Gating Capacity in Misophonia [August 2024] by Facundo Federico Lodol [Master’s Thesis, The University of Western Ontario] soQuiet.org
Prevalence of Misophonia and Its Characteristics among Amity University Students in India [Apr-Jun 2024] by Yadav, N; Aryal, S; Gupta, D K; Kaushik, C; Prabhu, P. [Indian Journal of Otology] soQuiet.org
Prevalence of Misophonia in Adolescents and Adults Across the Globe: A Systematic Review [August 2024] by Vidya Gowda & Prashanth Prabhu [Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery]
Association between Chronic Misophonia-Induced Stress and Gastrointestinal Pathology in Children—A Hypothesis [2024] by Bodo CR, Salcudean A, Nirestean A, Lukacs E, Lica MM, Muntean DL, Anculia RC, Popovici RA, Neda Stepan O, Enătescu VR, et al. [Children]
An Exploration of Misophonia in the Literature [2024] by Singer, ME
Brain circuits in autonomous sensory meridian response and related phenomena [August 2024] by Lin IF, Kondo HM [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B] soQuiet.org
Multidimensional Inventory of Sound Tolerance in Adults (MIST-A) [Last Updated: April 2024] Zachary J Williams, Carissa J. Cascio, Tiffany G Woynaroski
Loud and unwanted: Individual differences in the tolerance for exposure to music [May 2024] by Giulio Carraturo, Marina Kliuchko, Elvira Brattico [Journal of the Acoustical Society of America]
Existential concerns in psychopathology: a transdiagnostic network analysis existential concerns in psychopathology [February 2024] by UnYoung Chavez-Baldini, Karin J.H. Verweij, Jessy Bergamin, Judy Luigjes, Roel J.T. Mocking, Damiaan Denys, Dorien H. Nieman, and Nienke C. Vulink [Cogent Mental Health]soQuiet.org
How auditory processing influences the autistic profile - a review [Preprint: January 2024] by R. Poulsen R, ZJ Williams, P Dwyer, L Pellicano, PF Sowman, and D McAlpine [PsyArXiv]soQuiet.org
Tracing the Song of the Universe: A Jungian Investigation of the Archetypal Aspects of Sound [December 2023] by Aurora Roseline J. Lane [Dissertation]soQuiet.org
“I’m sure Dr Jekyll had misophonia”: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) examining lived experience patterns in misophonia and the usefulness of Reddit as an online support network. [December 2023] by Paris A Ash, Rachel Collum, Rebecca Owens [PDF Dissertation]soQuiet.orgsoQsoQ
Attention, Monotropism, and Sensory Experiences in Autistic Adolescents: Characterization via Multiple Measurement Methods [December 2023] by Patrick Dwyer and Susan M. Rivera [UC Davis Electronic Theses and Dissertations] sQsQsQ
INSIDE OUT - a visualisation of the emotional world of Borderline Personality Disorder as inspiration for a fashion collection [November 2023] by Nina Hilger [Opus4]
The Analysis of the Cognitive Function Parameters in Exposure to Noise Using Emotiv-EPOC Electroencephalography Headset [November 2023] by Zohreh Mohebian, Samane Khorshidikia, Farhad Forouharmajd, Siamak Pourabdian [International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering] sosQuiset.org
Sound Rage: A Review of the Implications of Misophonia for College Age Students [September 2023] by Emilie Schramer and Alicia Pensamiento [Class presentation] sosQuiset.org
THE ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC [PDF] [September 2023] by Yoshimi Hasegawa [10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association]
Editorial: Advances in understanding the nature and features of misophonia [September 2023] M. Zachary Rosenthal, Julia Campbell, and Cara Altimus [Frontiers in Neuroscience] sosQuiset.org
Curation of FOAMS: a Free Open-Access Misophonia Stimuli Database [September 2023] by Dean M. Orloff, Danielle Benesch, and Heather A. Hansen [Journal of Open Psychiatry Data] soQuiet.org
Education and Occupation in The Misophonia Podcast [August 2023] by CJ Gibson soQuiet.org
[Conference Proceeding] Misophonia Sound Recognition Using Vision Transformer [July 2023] by Bahmei, B., Birmingham, E., & Arzanpour, S. [2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)]
Civilisation of manners and misophonia [July 2023] by Arnaud Norena [PhilPapers] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: A Review of the Literature and Its Implications for the Social Work Profession [July 2023] by Daniel Holohan, Kenneth Marfilius, Carrie J Smith [Social Work] soQuiet.org
SoundFields: A Virtual Reality Home-Based Intervention for Auditory Hypersensitivity Experienced by Autistic Children [June 2023] by Sarah Parkinson, Sophie Schumann, Amelia Taylor, Clare Fenton [Applied Sciences] soQuiet.org
THE NOVEL CONDITION: Using Human-Centred Methods to Explore Misophonia [May 2023] by Freya Noonan and Mabel Forward. Master’s thesis. Project funded by a soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grant.
A New Insomnia Phenotype: Coronasomnia Misophonia Syndrome [May 2023] by Narayana Gowda and Alon Avidan [Sleep] soQuiet.or
Examining the correlation between misophonia and autistic in general population [January 2023] by Ertuerk, E., Işık, Ü., Aktepe, E., & Kılıç, F. [International Journal of Developmental Disabilities] soQuiet.org
Commentary: Consensus definition of misophonia [January 2023] by Hashir Aazh [Frontiers in Neuroscience] soQuiet.org
Mechanisms and outcomes of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response [ASMR] [October 2022] by Thomas Swart. Doctoral Thesis [PDF]. soQuiet.org
Genetic evidence for the link of misophonia with psychiatric disorders and personality. [September 2022] by Dirk J.A. Smit, Melissa Bakker, Abdel Abdellaoui, Alex E. Hoetink, Nienke C.C. Vulink, Damiaan Denys [MedRXiv] soQuiet.org soQuiet.org
Free Open-Access Misophonia Stimuli (FOAMS) sound project [September 2022] by Danielle Benesch; Dean Orloff; Marie-Anick Savard; Emily Coffey; Heather Hansen [Project funded by a soQuiet Misophonia Research Grant] soQuiet.org
Interfacing the Tympan open-source hearing aid with an external computer for research on decreased sound tolerance [September 2022] by Danielle Benesch, Kocherla Nithin Raj, Rachel Bouserhal, and Jérémie Voix [The Journal of the Acoustical Society] soQuiet.org
Identification of Everyday Sounds Affects Their Pleasantness [July 2022] by Laurie M. Heller and Jessica M. Smith [Frontiers]
Misophonia: A Systematic Review of Current and Future Trends in This Emerging Clinical Field [2022] by Antonia Ferrer-Torres and Lydia Giménez-Llort [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health]
The awesome as well as the awful: Heightened sensory sensitivity predicts the presence and intensity of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) [2022] by Giulia L. Poerio, Safiyya Mank, Thomas J. Hostler [Journal of Research in Personality] soQuiet.org
Misophonia: An Underrecognized Disease in Pediatric Patients [April 2022] by Megan L. Swonke, Luis Neve, Nicholas A. Rossi, Brian McKinnon, Shiva Daram, and Harold S. Pine [Ear, Nose & Throat Journal] soQuiet.org
Misophonia revised: New insights in phenomenology and psychotherapy [2021] Thesis by I.J. Jager [University of Amsterdam] soQuiet.org
Misophonia in the Workplace [2021] Master’s Thesis by Olivia Nienaber soQuiet.org
Misokinesia is a sensitivity to seeing others fidget that is prevalent in the general population [August 2021] by M. Jaswal, Andreas K. F. De Bleser & Todd C. Handy [Scientific Reports]
The Prevalence and Severity of Misophonia in a UK Undergraduate Medical Student Population and Validation of the Amsterdam Misophonia Scale, [June 2021] by Jay Naylor, Charlotte Caimino, Polly Scutt, and Derek James Hoare [Psychiatric Quarterly]
How everyday sounds can trigger strong emotions: ASMR, misophonia and the feeling of wellbeing [Nov 2020] by Paul D. McGeoch, Romke Rouw [BioEssays]
Obsessed with Sound: An Investigation into Misophonia and Its Relation to Memory, [2020] by Michael A.Tollefsrud. Master’s thesis. soQuiet.org
Misophonia: Awareness and Responsiveness among Academics, [2019] by Connie K. Porcaro, Emon Alavi, Thomas Gollery, and Ali A. Danesh [Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability] soQuiet.org
Inattention in misophonia: Difficulties achieving and maintaining alertness, [Sep. 2019] by Brandon Frank, Meaghan Roszyk, Landon Hurley, Loreta Drejaj, and Dean McKay [Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology] soQuiet.org
Misophonia – a review of research results and theoretical concepts [Mar. 2019] by Marta Siepsiak and Wojciech Dragan [Psychiatria Polska] soQuiet.org
Cross-Sensory Stimuli Modulate Reactions to Aversive Sounds, [Feb. 2019] by Patrawat Samermit, Jeremy Saal, and Nicolas Davidenko [Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability] soQuiet.org