Free Misophonia Resources
Free Misophonia Resource Downloads
Printable Misophonia Notice Signs for Display:
:: Letter Size Signs [Color PDF]
:: Legal Size Signs [Color PDF]
:: Letreros en Español [Color PDF] translated by: J. Vargas
“What is Misophonia?” Free Printable Misophonia Poster [Color PDF]
"¿Qué es la Misofonía?" Póster imprimible gratuito [PDF]
translated by: J. VargasMisophonia-friendly Classroom Suggestions [PDF]
by CJ GibsonReference Sheet for Misophonia & Virtual Meetings [PDF]
This PDF is for presenters and teachers who are leading online sessions attended by people with misophonia.
Includes a long list of common triggers!
Some of our trusted partners:
Example Misophonia Letters: Work
Need to send your employer a letter to inform them about misophonia and ask for accommodations? Download these free example letters as text files:
Misophonia Letter to Employer - United States
This letter mentions the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] in the United States. For those outside of the US, please use the letter below.
Misophonia Letter to Employer - General
This letter doesn’t mention any specific laws and is good for use by those outside of the United States.
Worldwide Misophonia Organizations
Italian Misophonia Association [Associazione Italiana Misofonia]
Example Misophonia Letters: School
In the United States, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 covers students with disabilities, such as misophonia, who need classroom accommodations in order to learn as well as students without disabilities. This free sample letter can be used to initiate a 504 assessment for a student who has misophonia.
Misophonia Letter to a School - United States
Outside of the United States?
Misophonia Letter to a School - General
If you have a special requirement, please contact us and we’d love to help!
Other Misophonia Support Resources
r/misophonia is the subreddit [a topic-based board on Reddit] for discussing misophonia. The subreddit has been very active for years.
r/misophoniasupport is another subreddit that some people prefer to the main misophonia one above.
Amino Apps offers an app for iOS and Android phones that includes a user-created community for people struggling with misophonia. This community tends to be geared to teens and young adults.
Misophonia Podcast is a weekly podcast created and hosted by Adeel Ahmad about misophonia.
Mind Matters Podcast - A 12-year-old in New Zealand with misophonia shares about living with misophonia and other conditions.
Misophonia Doctors & Clinicians
There is a growing list of medical professionals who work with people with misophonia. Here are some external listings to reference for providers who understand misophonia.
Misophonia Cards as PDFs
Download PDFs of our Misophonia Cards and print them yourself. Any business card printer can do this.
Please use our online form to request free misophonia cards.
Stay in touch to learn more about thriving with misophonia.
Misophonia in the Press.
Misophonia in the news
Coverage from major journalism sources that are likely to be reasons that the general public might learn about misophonia.
Misophonia complicates relationships on complex ways [November 2024] by Dr. Jennifer Brout
Living out loud; Headphones nowhere to be found [June 2024] by Erik Piepenburg [New York Times]
Understanding misophonia from Illinois Public Media
Misophonia: how 'sound rage' destroys relationships and forces people to move home [January 2023] by Ellie Violet Bramley [The Guardian]
Navigating Life with Misophonia: “For the Past Ten Years I Have Lived Inside Music.” [November 2022] by Sussie Anie [LitHub]
Haunting For Good: Manhattan Family Raising Awareness For Misophonia [October 2022] by TJ Kremer III [Patch]
Eating with your mouth open is completely unacceptable (even if science says otherwise) [July 2022] by Emily Watkins [iNews UK]
The Torment of Misophoniacs [Inverse, December 2021] by Jess Thomson
Misophonia: How FHSU and You can help those needing peace and quiet [Fort Hays State University, September 2021] by CJ Gibson
Living With Misophonia: The Disorder That Can Turn Random Sounds Into Nightmares [The Friday Times, September 2021] by Syeda Salma Tahir
Misophonia, Noise Sensitivity, and ADHD: What’s the Connection? [Healthline, September 2021] by Jeffrey Ditzell, DO, and Crystal Raypole
If You Can’t Stand People Fidgeting, You May Have Misokinesia [Vice, September 2021] by Shayla Love
Excessive “Mirroring” Could Explain Why People With Misophonia React Strongly To Sounds Of Chewing Or Drinking [BPS Research Digest, August 2021] By Emma Young
Misophonia Might Not Be about Hating Sounds After All [Scientific American, September 2021] by Christiane Gelitz
Open-plan office noise increases stress and worsens mood: we've measured the effects [The Conversation, July 2021] by Libby (Elizabeth) Sander
Phenomenon of Misophonia [TRTWorld, July 2021] by Nicola Hill [Note: TV News Story with Trigger Warning]
These are the sounds that drive us mad in the workplace [In Your Area, June 2021] by James Milner
Why Chewing Really Is One Of Life's Most Annoying Sounds [Huffington Post, May 2021] By Amy Packham
The sounds that torment me [Varsity, May 2021] by Holly Sewell
Hypnotherapy: Into the mind of the sound: Misophonia could be genetic [New Indian Express. April 2021] by Ayesha Singh
Why I hate ASMR [The Linfield Review, March 2021] by Lindsey Burns
Chewed out for chewing: Little-known disorder leaves sufferers frustrated by ordinary sounds [CBC, Canada. December 2020] by Martin Jones
Misophonia and Creativity: What is the Connection? [Medium, October 2020] by Cris Edwards, soQuiet founder
Is your family's chewing and slurping driving you insane? Here's what to do. [CNN. March 2020] By Ryan Prior
Why Office Noise Bothers Some People More Than Others [BBC. November 2019]
:: Covers workplace issues that misophones face.How to Talk About Misophonia [Medium, April 2019] by Cris Edwards, soQuiet founder
Misophonia: When Life’s Noises Drive You Mad [NPR. March 2019]
The Crunch of an Apple Makes Me Want to Run Away [BBC. November 2018]
Understanding Misophonia [Psychology Today. September 2018]
Invisible knife: Living with misophonia [Medium, June 2018] by Pragya Bhagat
The Deeply Isolating Life of a Misophone [Medium, December 2017] by Cris Edwards, soQuiet founder
Misophonia: When Everyday Noises Ruin Your Life [Reader’s Digest. 2017]
Misophonia: the rage-inducing ‘hidden epidemic’ of sound sensitivity [Global News. 2015]
Do Chewing Sounds Make You Crazy? [Slate, 2015] by Megan Cartwright
Selective Sound Sensitivity: The Rap on Misophonia [Huffington Post, 2015] by By Bonni Brodnick
Misophonia is a newly identified condition for people hypersensitive to sound [Washington Post, 2014] By Meeri N. Kim
When a Chomp or a Slurp Is a Trigger for Outrage [New York Times. 2011]
:: One of the first major articles to cover misophonia. A classic by Joyce Cohen.