soQuiet Science Sessions
soQuiet presents: Science Sessions! Free virtual sessions where you can learn about the latest in misophonia research directly from the researchers themselves. Science Sessions are entertaining as well as educational. Q&A will follow.
Science Sessions are:
• Free of Charge
• Open to All
• Registration is Required
• Donations are Welcome*
About the researchers:
Dr. Silia Vitoratou and Dr. Jane Gregory both have misophonia. Their passion project was creating the S-Five [Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale], a questionnaire that captures the complexity of the misophonia experience, which can be used in research and therapy. They are now working with researchers around the world to translate this questionnaire and learn more about misophonia in different cultures.
They will be talking about the five key areas of misophonia that came out of their research with thousands of individuals with misophonia. They also have some brand new research to talk about, looking at the things we do to try to cope with misophonia and the things we fear will happen as a result of having misophonia.
Dr. Silia Vitoratou, is a lecturer in Psychometrics and Measurements at King’s College, London. Silia uses fancy maths to try to capture things that we can't measure directly, like emotional experiences and psychological traits. She is the founder of a misophonia research group in London.
Dr. Jane Gregory is a clinical psychologist researching misophonia at the University of Oxford. She is researching what keeps misophonia going and how we might use cognitive-behavioral therapies to help individuals with misophonia.
Reserve your place now!
Papers we may be referencing:
•Listening to People with Misophonia: Exploring the MultipleDimensions of Sound Intolerance Using a New PsychometricTool, the S-Five, in a Large Sample of Individuals Identifying with the Condition [October 2021] by Silia Vitoratou, Nora Uglik-Marucha, Chloe Hayes, and Jane Gregory [Psych] s
•Emotion processes predicting outbursts and impact in misophonia [April 2022] by Qiaochu Wang, Silia Vitoratou, Uglik-Marucha, Eleonora, Jane Gregory [PsyArXiv]
•Misophonia in the UK: norms of the selective sound sensitivity five factor model (S-Five) for misophonia and prevalence of the disorder using a large sample representative of the UK population [April 2022] by Silia Vitoratou, Chloe Hayes, Uglik-Marucha, Eleonora, Oliver Pearson, Tom Graham, Jane Gregory [PsyArXiv] s
soQuiet was founded to give a voice and support to people who suffer from misophonia, a neurological sensory disorder that is often misunderstood.
*soQuiet is a nonprofit charity designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 by the Internal Revenue Service.
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our tax ID is #83-3354073.